Daily Inspiration

It's never too late to become who you might have been.
(My Tumblr has officially taken place of this blog)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why it Didn't Work: One of The Biggest Challenges in a Relationship.

The Question: Where do some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from?

The Answer: Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something.
(Yea, trust, communication, and a few other things are challenges as well, but just take a minute to focus on this one challenge.)

That's right. It's common that people get into a relationship to get something.
Now you can take that "to get something" statement literally if you want, but the fact of the matter is that some people are guilty of getting into a relationship just to reap all the benefits.
They're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good.
The security, the attention in school, changing their facebook relationship status, the emotional support, you know all the material things.
The things that eventually get old, and never really provided a stable foundation for the relationship anyway.

So then, what's the solution?
The Solution: In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.

Don't be so quick to focus on the things that you're getting rather than what you're providing the other person with.

Imagine how much you'd benefit from truly giving and contributing to the relationship. Imagine yourself building the other person up rather than draining life from them with your constant needs and wants.
Imagine providing the other person with inspiration and really helping them build their character.
Now Imagine This: Try allowing the person to seek God through you.
Now these are things that'll leave a lasting impression, but more importantly, they'll provide a nice foundation for a healthy relationship.

I hope that was enough to help some of you out a bit!
You can stop reading now.

If you have nothing more to do feel free to read on.
I'm not perfect, so here's my story in a nutshell.
I admit, I'm guilty myself.
I was once a child who enjoyed the attention.
I was once a child that counted on someone else to give me happiness.
I was once a child, not too long ago, that brought all the wrong things into relationships.
But my biggest mistake: getting into a relationship to take.
I took, took, took.

How do I know so much about relationships you ask?
hmmm I know a bit here and there, but it's through experience.
Through making all the mistakes possible and finally deciding to change.

Now that I've taken a backseat, I've been able to gain a bit of knowledge.
I am now a woman.
A woman who now has everything in my life in order.
(Don't get me wrong, I'm still fixing up a few things here and there, and there's always room for improvement.)

I know what I want.
I don't have a desire to take anymore.
My heart beats for giving back.
And with God's Grace, I'll be the best possible woman that I can be to my family, my friends, and in relationships.

Today, I've been single for a year, 8 months and one day.
Yea, It's been a long time coming.
But what do I have to rush for?
The view from the backseat has allowed me a lot of precious time.
So learn from this.
My mistakes, your gain.



  1. awww look @ my lil Tiary growin up lol but this is a pretty insightful take in relationships n i agree :)

  2. ...but the fact of the matter is that some people are guilty of getting into a relationship just to reap all the benefits.
    They're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good...

    ...that's a realization lots of people fail to make when they are caught up in the moments...

    ...I like your taking a backseat approach to things...it definitely helps you get things in order...

    ...thank you for sharing this...ONE::
