Daily Inspiration

It's never too late to become who you might have been.
(My Tumblr has officially taken place of this blog)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I'm hearing so many people saying
1. How 2010 is going to somehow miraculously make them some new person.
2. How they've improved... or are going to improve in 2010.

First of all, what are you? Some brand of new tampons?

And most importantly-God forbid- but you might die today.
So why wait until 2010 to make that change.

Please start now.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tis the season..

To be trifling?

So many disappointments.
So many sad facebook statuses.
So many break-ups, yet not enough makeups.
So many heartbreaks.
So much complaining.
Seems like everything's going wrong doesn't it?

Stop. Look. Listen.

There's little children who have neither parents nor Christmas gifts.
There's families sitting in hospitals praying for the recovery of loved ones.
There's tons of people celebrating the holidays on the streets.

Now this may not be you, but you still have tons to be grateful for.

It's the Holiday Season.
This year...
Tis the season to be Jolly.
It's the season of love.
Do away with all the negativety and embrace the real meaning of Christmas.

I may not have a "boo" this Christmas, but I'm definitely not alone.
It's funny how we can all name the things we wish
we were getting for Christmas, or even all the things that are constantly going wrong.
One thing we're all guaranteed to have this Christmas is the person that'll always be in our hearts.

If you can't find Christmas in your heart, you won't find it under the tree.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Never Satisfied.

What the hell does it take for me to finally be satisfied?
I constantly need change.

Too much of the same ol' same ol' makes me feel uneasy.

So what happens when things really do need to be set in stone?
You know... my career, my marriage, my family??

Lord, guide me in the right direction.
I'm determined not to set myself up for failure.


Monday, December 21, 2009

What's Good Enough?

Better yet, what's the best?

Current mood: frustrated.

I feel as if nothing is good enough.
At this point in time, I feel defeated.

But how?
That's very unlike me.
Last blog, I was just saying I wasn't defeat-able.

Swish Swash.
My feelings spin, twirl, and change.
It's as if I put my feelings into a washing machine.

Well, sometimes feelings switch from high to low.
There's nothing wrong with taking it slow.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stand Still

A myriad of possibilities, and one of them went wrong.
On just an ordinary day you were led astray,
Now your innocence is gone.

Thousands of people shift around in the crowd.
You've waited for this concert for a while.
Somehow it isn't as you imagined-
Everything feels uneasy.

There are children dancing.
Adults sing joyously.

Tina & Erica Campbell sing words into the hearts of every individual.
♫Said I'll never leave, so you're never alone even when you feel you are. I'm right here holding your hand, but still you think I'm way too far.♫

You're about to break a smile when a hand grasps hold of your mouth.
Someone enfolds you into his arms.

You struggle to be released-
No one realizes the chaos.
no one

The concert goes on
♫Stand Still, and know I'm God.♫

You stand still, and you're taken away.
Your trust in the lord clung to you more than ever that day.

Before long the struggle is over.
He releases you-
Still not sober.

You were once upset with your parents because back then they weren't around.
Still everyone calls you a miracle child.
Not everyone survives,
But somehow God allowed you to be lost and found.

All in the community enjoy you as a role model and inspirational speaker.
Still you'll rise.

All in all, you have no regrets.
The sun still shines, and the sun still sets.
The heart forgives, and the heart forgets.

But you, you won't be cold, no matter the season.
For everything that's happened you know God has a reason.

You may have to try a little harder than the rest, for
These memories toil to take over your mind.
You don't fall that easily though.
All that has happened motivates your success.

Still everyday, even the tiniest things may trigger a memory.
But you're strong.
You're the survivor.
And you hold on to those same lyrics that once served as your remedy.

♫If you follow my direction, everything will be so clear. I'm the answer-the solution- to every question that you ask. Only way you've made it this far, is because I carried you here so fast♫

Saturday, December 19, 2009

it's too short...

Life that is.
Get your mind out of the gutter!

I'm so blessed to be alive!
For some reason, I'm a magnet to Satan.
Guess what Satan?
You lose, again.

With Jesus by my side, I can't be defeated. ✞
Stop wasting your time and go to Hell.


Friday, December 18, 2009

When is "ready"?

I'm not even sure what to do.

I'm 19. I don't know what love is.
Or do I?

Everyone around me seems to be getting married, having kids, or both.
It's finally hitting me.
I'm not a child anymore.

Life really does hit you in the face pretty fast.

I'm afraid to fall in love (again?)
Because I'm afraid of getting hurt again, or hurting again.
Maybe I'm not ready.
I have my wholeeee life ahead of me.
I have things to work on within myself.
I have dreams, aspirations, and family.

Then again, when is ready?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Self Liberated.

I can breathe.
You know how good it feels to be free?

It's about time that I started feeling like everything really would be okay.
So what shall I say in my first blog?
I'm [Tiary] and I'm 19.
I once described my life as the starring role in Final Destination.
Everyday was a series of unfortunate events.
Maybe that's why I was addicted to those books as a child haha.

I strived so hard to be perfect, knowing that it wasn't possible-
In the process, I completely lost myself.
Everything I touched...eventually destroyed.

What's happening right now?
I'm piecing things together, and I'm getting my life back.
I'm further developing my relationship with God, and
I'm happy.

Fact:My friends say I'm way too hard on myself.
Conclusion: Not anymore.

It's funny how I had to lose everything in order to win.

Everyone always told me that I was so strong.
Why was I the only person who didn't believe in myself?
The answers were always right there in my face, yet
I blinded myself.
I am strong. I'm inspirational. I'm a survivor. Im real.
I liberated myself.

your life to the fullest, and never fail to believe in yourself.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

That Thing Called Life

what is it?
I'm hoping for changes, success, and liberation.