Daily Inspiration

It's never too late to become who you might have been.
(My Tumblr has officially taken place of this blog)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stand Still

A myriad of possibilities, and one of them went wrong.
On just an ordinary day you were led astray,
Now your innocence is gone.

Thousands of people shift around in the crowd.
You've waited for this concert for a while.
Somehow it isn't as you imagined-
Everything feels uneasy.

There are children dancing.
Adults sing joyously.

Tina & Erica Campbell sing words into the hearts of every individual.
♫Said I'll never leave, so you're never alone even when you feel you are. I'm right here holding your hand, but still you think I'm way too far.♫

You're about to break a smile when a hand grasps hold of your mouth.
Someone enfolds you into his arms.

You struggle to be released-
No one realizes the chaos.
no one

The concert goes on
♫Stand Still, and know I'm God.♫

You stand still, and you're taken away.
Your trust in the lord clung to you more than ever that day.

Before long the struggle is over.
He releases you-
Still not sober.

You were once upset with your parents because back then they weren't around.
Still everyone calls you a miracle child.
Not everyone survives,
But somehow God allowed you to be lost and found.

All in the community enjoy you as a role model and inspirational speaker.
Still you'll rise.

All in all, you have no regrets.
The sun still shines, and the sun still sets.
The heart forgives, and the heart forgets.

But you, you won't be cold, no matter the season.
For everything that's happened you know God has a reason.

You may have to try a little harder than the rest, for
These memories toil to take over your mind.
You don't fall that easily though.
All that has happened motivates your success.

Still everyday, even the tiniest things may trigger a memory.
But you're strong.
You're the survivor.
And you hold on to those same lyrics that once served as your remedy.

♫If you follow my direction, everything will be so clear. I'm the answer-the solution- to every question that you ask. Only way you've made it this far, is because I carried you here so fast♫

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