Daily Inspiration

It's never too late to become who you might have been.
(My Tumblr has officially taken place of this blog)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Self Liberated.

I can breathe.
You know how good it feels to be free?

It's about time that I started feeling like everything really would be okay.
So what shall I say in my first blog?
I'm [Tiary] and I'm 19.
I once described my life as the starring role in Final Destination.
Everyday was a series of unfortunate events.
Maybe that's why I was addicted to those books as a child haha.

I strived so hard to be perfect, knowing that it wasn't possible-
In the process, I completely lost myself.
Everything I touched...eventually destroyed.

What's happening right now?
I'm piecing things together, and I'm getting my life back.
I'm further developing my relationship with God, and
I'm happy.

Fact:My friends say I'm way too hard on myself.
Conclusion: Not anymore.

It's funny how I had to lose everything in order to win.

Everyone always told me that I was so strong.
Why was I the only person who didn't believe in myself?
The answers were always right there in my face, yet
I blinded myself.
I am strong. I'm inspirational. I'm a survivor. Im real.
I liberated myself.

your life to the fullest, and never fail to believe in yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Really good start.

    liked the template :)

    keep writing! :)
