Daily Inspiration

It's never too late to become who you might have been.
(My Tumblr has officially taken place of this blog)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Blog :)

As of December 25th 2010,

I've officially moved and launched my Tumblr :)
Soooo follow me and get inspired there.

It's such a step up.
I promise, you won't regret it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Dedicate this to You.

To be totally and completely honest, I never thought this day would come.
I never thought I could be so selfless.

Today I made a lot of decisions, and for the first true time in my life, I sacrificed.
A real sacrifice.

When I told myself, just two years ago, that I not only wanted, but needed to change, I never thought the change would be this significant.

I set out on a journey to become humble when I didn't even know what humble meant, but through my ignorance I found a humble center within myself.

If you love a person, you should be content with seeing them happy...Even if it's not with you.

Honestly, a few years ago I was too selfish. I thought "how in the h-e-double hockey sticks can I be happy seeing someone that I want to be with with someone else?!?! None of that made sense to me. Especially since we often connect loving someone with actually being with them. But loving someone, it means so much more.
Now I can finally say that I truly know what it means.
I truly know how it feels.
--all I want is to see you happy, even if seeing you happy isn't with me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why it Didn't Work: One of The Biggest Challenges in a Relationship.

The Question: Where do some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from?

The Answer: Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something.
(Yea, trust, communication, and a few other things are challenges as well, but just take a minute to focus on this one challenge.)

That's right. It's common that people get into a relationship to get something.
Now you can take that "to get something" statement literally if you want, but the fact of the matter is that some people are guilty of getting into a relationship just to reap all the benefits.
They're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good.
The security, the attention in school, changing their facebook relationship status, the emotional support, you know all the material things.
The things that eventually get old, and never really provided a stable foundation for the relationship anyway.

So then, what's the solution?
The Solution: In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.

Don't be so quick to focus on the things that you're getting rather than what you're providing the other person with.

Imagine how much you'd benefit from truly giving and contributing to the relationship. Imagine yourself building the other person up rather than draining life from them with your constant needs and wants.
Imagine providing the other person with inspiration and really helping them build their character.
Now Imagine This: Try allowing the person to seek God through you.
Now these are things that'll leave a lasting impression, but more importantly, they'll provide a nice foundation for a healthy relationship.

I hope that was enough to help some of you out a bit!
You can stop reading now.

If you have nothing more to do feel free to read on.
I'm not perfect, so here's my story in a nutshell.
I admit, I'm guilty myself.
I was once a child who enjoyed the attention.
I was once a child that counted on someone else to give me happiness.
I was once a child, not too long ago, that brought all the wrong things into relationships.
But my biggest mistake: getting into a relationship to take.
I took, took, took.

How do I know so much about relationships you ask?
hmmm I know a bit here and there, but it's through experience.
Through making all the mistakes possible and finally deciding to change.

Now that I've taken a backseat, I've been able to gain a bit of knowledge.
I am now a woman.
A woman who now has everything in my life in order.
(Don't get me wrong, I'm still fixing up a few things here and there, and there's always room for improvement.)

I know what I want.
I don't have a desire to take anymore.
My heart beats for giving back.
And with God's Grace, I'll be the best possible woman that I can be to my family, my friends, and in relationships.

Today, I've been single for a year, 8 months and one day.
Yea, It's been a long time coming.
But what do I have to rush for?
The view from the backseat has allowed me a lot of precious time.
So learn from this.
My mistakes, your gain.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Edward vs. Jacob

☮I've made my decision.☮
❤I know my Edward, and I know my Jacob.❤

•But, unlike Bella, I put God first.
Therefore the struggle isn't really mine!
The Lord will send me the correct one: Edward or Jacob, according to which one of them are able to successfully become a man, stand up for what they believe, listen to their heart, pray for his guidance, have faith in his judgement, and go get who they love!

•Is it you?

God has his plans for both women & men.
Women- mature faster and know what they want ahead of time.
Men- take a while longer to get in touch with those emotions.

•Whether we, as women, decide to wait on a fate
where the future seems great,
but might end up late--
Is totally up to us.

•Often people miss out on open door opportunities,
by staring so longly at that closed door opportunity.
Let it go. He'll take his time.
You go on, you life your life.

•God first.

Edward. vs. Jacob

Project: Edward[✘] • vs • Jacob[✘]--•-•--The Lord [✔]

may peace and faith be with you

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Time Machine

“Love can tear you apart, and it can kill you. But at the same time, it can bring you back together."

I can't go back to yesterday-
I was a different person then.

But there's no reason to continue lying to myself.
I long to live through those moments.
One more laugh,
One more smile,
One more hug,
One more memory to spark the flame within me-
To keep me alive.

We all have our time machines.
Some take us back; they're called memories.
Some take us forward, and they're called dreams.

I can't skip to tomorrow-
I am not yet who I want to be.

But there's no reason to continue lying to myself.
I long to see what moments rest ahead.
One more laugh?
One more smile?
One more hug?
Perhaps that one more memory, that sparked a flame within me-
It kept me alive♥

I'm stuck in time.

My heart's desires are being forced to forget, and to wait.

You can't fast forward life, and
You can't turn back the hands of time.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself."

A month ago I ran away.
I abandoned my friends.
I isolated myself from my family.
I separated myself from who I thought I was in love with.
I detached myself from my job.
I ran away, ran away from home.

Passion surrounded me.
Desire took over,
And longing captured my heart.
A dream deferred-
I wouldn't let it whither away,
Nor tear me apart.

I stood in Atlanta, aimlessly wandering around.
I had no purpose.
My mind was without understanding.
My veins lacked a pulse.
And my heart was without a heartbeat.
I was dead.

A broken heart holds little purpose.

I had left all the pieces of me behind.
There was only one thing left to do:
Fast forward, press play, and finally rewind.

Here I stand in Texas.
Sure enough I'm alive!
I now hold a purpose.
But this is no longer home.

This heartbeat, beats for all things different.

On this voyage, I've found what was here all along.
In the search for my heart's garden, I finally found my own.

A month ago, I ran away.

"If you don't get lost, you can never be found."

All these pieces, pieces of me that were gone-
I hold them in my hands, and I pray to be humble...
This time, nothing seems wrong.

What did I discover?
Oh, but many a things!

For years, I've been chasing after the wrong dream.
For years, I've been befriending the wrong friends.
For years, I've been loving the wrong person.
For years, I've been yearning for the wrong family.
For years, I've been working for the wrong job.
For years, I've been calling the wrong place home.

Not a second of this journey, did I ever walk alone-
How did I do it?
You carried me here!
You finally showed me home.

Monday, May 24, 2010

♥The Essence of Love♥

I have not given up on relationships,
Nor have I given up on love.

Realization is the key that I've been struggling to obtain-
I've used the key, unlocked the door, and have gained knowledge.

The Knowledge that I have obtained would have been useful years ago, but
"Experience is something you don't gain until just after you need it."

Why rush into things that are not certain?
I once believed that relationships were a necessity.
I'm not ashamed to say that there was a time when I relied on someone else to determine my happiness.
Those days are no more.

So many people sell themselves short.
So many people fail to get their lives together before they attempt to contribute to someone Else's life.
How can you possibly give your best to someone when you haven't even mastered giving your best to yourself?

I desire to be the best woman that I can be.
I desire to accept, love, understand, listen, and trust,
But before I can give my all to a significant other, I must first learn to accept, love, understand, listen, and trust myself.

I have enough faith in what God has in store for me.
I have enough faith that wherever he wants me to end up in life, I will end up no matter what route I take.
The route I choose, however, is up to me.
I'm determined to choose the route that will allow only the best outcome.

I desire to give selfless love.
I truly want to be all that I can be.

One day I will be the best person that I can possibly be.
One day I will know exactly who I am.
One day I will have completely gained the gift of understanding.
One day I will have gained enough patience to sit back and listen.
One day I will have enough confidence in myself to trust and fully love.
One day I will be humble.

I can't be all that I want to be to someone else until I have fully become comfortable with myself.

Many people look at failed relationships and marriages and ask "What went wrong?"

If everyone were not in such a hurry to seek marriage and that ideal fairytale love, the world might be a bit better.
If everyone focused on working on bettering themselves before trying to work on something that takes the work of two, there might be less breakups, heartbreaks, and divorces.
Imagine what the world would be like if everyone hadn't established things so prematurely.

The essence of real love would shine through all of mankind.
The beauty of love could fully be embraced.
Two people could finally, truly come together as one.

However, the essence of love must start first, within one's own self.
You can not make someone whole if you are not whole yourself.

Don't be so fast to jump into things that are not promised.
You are the only thing that is promised to you.
Love and cherish that first.

"Don't question if you'll ever find the right man or woman, only concentrate on being the right man/woman and he/she will come right on time"