Daily Inspiration

It's never too late to become who you might have been.
(My Tumblr has officially taken place of this blog)

Monday, May 24, 2010

♥The Essence of Love♥

I have not given up on relationships,
Nor have I given up on love.

Realization is the key that I've been struggling to obtain-
I've used the key, unlocked the door, and have gained knowledge.

The Knowledge that I have obtained would have been useful years ago, but
"Experience is something you don't gain until just after you need it."

Why rush into things that are not certain?
I once believed that relationships were a necessity.
I'm not ashamed to say that there was a time when I relied on someone else to determine my happiness.
Those days are no more.

So many people sell themselves short.
So many people fail to get their lives together before they attempt to contribute to someone Else's life.
How can you possibly give your best to someone when you haven't even mastered giving your best to yourself?

I desire to be the best woman that I can be.
I desire to accept, love, understand, listen, and trust,
But before I can give my all to a significant other, I must first learn to accept, love, understand, listen, and trust myself.

I have enough faith in what God has in store for me.
I have enough faith that wherever he wants me to end up in life, I will end up no matter what route I take.
The route I choose, however, is up to me.
I'm determined to choose the route that will allow only the best outcome.

I desire to give selfless love.
I truly want to be all that I can be.

One day I will be the best person that I can possibly be.
One day I will know exactly who I am.
One day I will have completely gained the gift of understanding.
One day I will have gained enough patience to sit back and listen.
One day I will have enough confidence in myself to trust and fully love.
One day I will be humble.

I can't be all that I want to be to someone else until I have fully become comfortable with myself.

Many people look at failed relationships and marriages and ask "What went wrong?"

If everyone were not in such a hurry to seek marriage and that ideal fairytale love, the world might be a bit better.
If everyone focused on working on bettering themselves before trying to work on something that takes the work of two, there might be less breakups, heartbreaks, and divorces.
Imagine what the world would be like if everyone hadn't established things so prematurely.

The essence of real love would shine through all of mankind.
The beauty of love could fully be embraced.
Two people could finally, truly come together as one.

However, the essence of love must start first, within one's own self.
You can not make someone whole if you are not whole yourself.

Don't be so fast to jump into things that are not promised.
You are the only thing that is promised to you.
Love and cherish that first.

"Don't question if you'll ever find the right man or woman, only concentrate on being the right man/woman and he/she will come right on time"


  1. This could be a damn sermon lol... Tell em Tiary!

  2. wwwooooow girl i feel like ur talking to me because that's how i use to be. always depended on someone else to make me happy etc. But im still in the process of lovin myself..

  3. continue on with that process of loving yourself!! Pray for guidance and everything will fall right into place :)
