Daily Inspiration

It's never too late to become who you might have been.
(My Tumblr has officially taken place of this blog)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What's the Meaning of Valentine's Day?

What's the meaning of Valentines Day?

Every year it seems to be more and more about having a valentine, a date, gifts, a nice dinner, blah blah blah.

Personally, I've spent my Valentines Days with family; the real people I can count on loving me.
Every morning we'd wake up to new things Daddy put on our bed.
There was always roses and chocolate, but every year the actual gift changed.
One year I remember getting a diamond necklace, the next a huge stuffed animal.
Then daddy would take us all out to eat!
You get the point.

Every year, I could always count on my family being there to show me love on this holiday.
I've never been able to count on relationships.

Whatever the case, a lot of people are dreading the big day tomorrow.
Because maybe you've been hoping for the wrong things.

Most people have been hoping for dates, relationships, love, and eternal happiness.

Would you not be dissappointed if you just allowed Valentines Day to be about friends or family?

Why must it be about love or relationships?
We're young.

I promise you that the Valentines Day that you're hoping for, will come in due time.

Until then, make Valentines Day another opportunity to show your appreciation for those you know you can really rely on.

Remember this quote: "If you hope and pray for the *will of God* to be done, you will never be disappointed."

Apply that to Valentine's Day. You'll be surprised.

Peace. Love. & Happy Valentine's Day


  1. hi tiary!
    this is a great post, i agree completely about people expecting certain things that shouldn't be the main focus... I am glad you and your family are so close :)

    your blog is very thoughtful, i will be following also! have an awesome day ;)

  2. I spent my Valentines with my best friend, and the night before with a group of friends. It, in turn, was the best V-day I've ever had! I think you're right about it all!
